NaClhv will now update every Monday

I don't think I have any readers yet who check for every update, but I should still be thorough.

When I started this blog, I was thinking that a typical post would maybe be around 300 words, consisting of some insightful comments, but not requiring a substantial organization and systematization of my thoughts. Well, it seems that I'm far more verbose than I suspected. My last few posts are all around a thousand words or more, and several posts that I thought would be short ended up becoming two-parters. This is content generation at a rate far greater than I anticipated. I feel that the quality is also suffering due to the output rate.

So, going forward, NaClhv will update once a week, on Mondays, starting on February 3rd. Tomorrow (January 30th) will be the last Thursday update.

I hope you continue to find the entries thoughtful. Please continue to visit in the future - I have some good things coming up.

You may next want to read:
Another post, from the table of contents

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